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Ecordia Online Meetings is here!

Ecordia has recently developed and released Online Meetings.

It uses the latest tech in audio & video streaming and is helping our users to innovate the way they work, saving time and money, while increasing productivity. Those centres that have started to use the feature are very excited about it!

Here are just some examples of how Online Meetings are being used by assessment centres:

  1. Enrolment and unit selection process – Set your candidates expectations from the beginning, by conducting parts of the enrolment and unit selections process remotely. The meeting can also be recorded for audit purposes, and added to the candidates portfolio, or in their contact log.

  2. Online Reviews – Using online meetings for reviews is a doddle. You can screen-share to discuss specific aspects of their achievement in their portfolio, or to complete the review documentation. The meeting can then be added the candidate’s contact log for audit purposes. Depending on your centre settings, you can even invite other users to join the meeting, such as employers, mentors, line managers etc!

  3. Assessment planning – Make assessment planning quick and easy by using the online meeting feature to agree an assessment plan. Simply record the meeting and then upload it to an assessment plan, either as an new plan or a review of an existing plan. It will reduce the amount of text needed to explain what is to be achieved, and a full-proof method of evidencing the provision for additional support.

  4. Professional discussions and oral questioning – You’ve assessed some evidence, but need some clarification, or want to plug some gaps with a professional discussion or questions: then host an online meeting with your candidate, which can be recorded and then easily added as supporting evidence!

  5. Expert witness testimonies – Employers and line managers can be hard to catch up with, but not with the online meetings feature. They will just need internet access on their device, you can then record and capture statements at the touch of a button and even interact with the witness to ensure coverage of the criteria needed.

  6. Gateway evidence – Your candidate – and you and your team – have worked hard to get to the Gateway, so don’t let anything delay the recording of the Gateway: use the online meeting feature to record candidate and employer statements. These can then be added to the EPA/blue tab and/or uploaded to your EPAO’s portal.

If you are not already using the online meeting feature, and you’d like to , then please email for a tailored quote.

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